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- Delegates Responsibilities
If you are a CAP Fellow and are interested in being a member of the House of Delegates, or you are already a delegate, familiarize yourself with leadership opportunities and other helpful information to start your delegate journey.
HOD Members
Review job descriptions to learn about the basic roles, qualifications, and duties for the key positions within the HOD.
Delegation Chair
The Delegation Chair’s primary responsibility is to oversee and coordinate the activities of the Delegation they represent. The Chair is responsible for guiding the Delegation to ensure representative attendance at HOD meetings, disseminating communications from the CAP relevant to the HOD, and working with the HOD leadership to advance the mission and objectives of the House.
Delegate/Delegate Alternate
Members of the CAP House of Delegates (HOD) serve as an important communication and membership link between CAP leadership and CAP members. The delegate/alternate is a key source of information on activities, programs, and policies of the CAP. This role is a direct contact for the individual CAP member to communicate with and contribute to the recommendation of CAP policy positions, including the identification of situations that might be addressed through policy implementation efforts, and the implementation of CAP policies.
House of Delegates Rules
The HOD conducts its business according to their own set of rules—these rules are periodically reviewed and revised to align with the HOD vision, mission, and strategy.
Read the rules of the House of Delegates
Survey Results
As a delegate, part of your responsibilities is to complete regular surveys that measure HOD success as well as the success of the CAP in meeting the needs of the membership.
Review previous survey results
HOD Leadership Positions
The following positions make up the HOD Steering Committee.
The speaker is the principal officer of the House of Delegates (HOD) and serves as an important communication link between the HOD and the Board of Governors (BOG). The Speaker will preside at meetings, maintain order and decorum and appoint Committees/Action Groups of the House as appropriate.
Vice Speaker
The Vice Speaker is an ex-officio officer of the CAP Board of Governors and officer of the House of Delegates. The Vice Speaker serves as the principal officer of the House in the absence of the Speaker.
The Secretary is an officer of the House of Delegates and shall be responsible for all records of the House of Delegates. The Secretary shall ensure that all pertinent business is accurately and promptly recorded as well as keep the minutes of the proceedings of all meetings and transactions of the House of Delegates.
Sergeant-at Arms
The Sergeant at Arms is an officer of the House of Delegates Steering Committee (HODSC) and assists the Speaker in maintaining order and seeking members for a vote if a quorum is not present. The Sergeant at Arms will act as a credentialing officer for the admission of Delegates or Alternate Delegates to the floor of the House of Delegates and may act as an HODSC Liaison for HOD action groups.
The Member-at-Large is an elected officer of the HOD. The officer’s chief function is to represent the interests of the HOD at the House of Delegates Steering Committee (HODSC). The Member-at-Large may also function as an HODSC liaison for HOD action groups.