IVM And 3D Pathology

Nov 7, 2017

Light-sheet microscopy offers unparalleled ability to efficiently visualize large structures in 3D with cellular detail. The ability to rapidly analyze 3D structures at high resolution has led to major advances in the basics sciences, most notably in neuroscience and developmental biology. However, research laboratory microscopes are often impractical for real-world clinical pathology practices. Drs. Reder and True describe the first light-sheet microscope designed for human specimens of arbitrarily large sizes. They discuss initial findings using 3D pathology including refinement of Gleason grading of prostate biopsies, challenges in implementing the technology, and potential for future applications. This webinar emphasizes real-world use cases for the practicing pathologist.

Webinar Materials

Handout (PDF, 77 MB)


Nicholas P. Reder, MD, MPH
Lawrence D. True, MD